Jeff Reid featured on NBC 5 News Chicago
The story behind the canvas...
There is a story behind the canvas exceeding the visual. Motivation, inspiration and creativity in a message to humanity. God motivated to paint with talent. Spiritual inspiration led to subjects shaping society.
The message is brought to the street not the gallery. Notables, 5ft x 7ft transported in a van. Naked in public, the stories are shared in the purity of the arts with empowerment.
The artists umbilical cord is woven in former homelessness and a connection to the ordinary.
Galleries don’t send a message to the masses. What is more important money, fame or the message?
– Gerald Sachsel, 2024
The message is brought to the street not the gallery. Notables, 5ft x 7ft transported in a van. Naked in public, the stories are shared in the purity of the arts with empowerment.
The artists umbilical cord is woven in former homelessness and a connection to the ordinary.
Galleries don’t send a message to the masses. What is more important money, fame or the message?
– Gerald Sachsel, 2024
For reasons of the inaccurate depictions in film, news, and music, I consider my responsibility towards my brothers to be uplifting, informative, and suggesting reconsideration of our struggles to survive and flourish." |
NEWS ARCHIVES:Hudson Guild Gallery will feature Idol Portraits June 17 through July 23, 2016
The upcoming "Second Acts Gallery Exhibit" will take place in the Hudson Guild Gallery at 441 W. 26th St., NY.
Opening reception is Friday, June 17, 2016, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Refreshments will be served and the reception is open to the general public free of charge. Reservations are not needed to attend. For more info on the show, visit hudsonguild.org Artist Uses Fort Greene Park as His Own Outdoor GalleryBy Janet Upadhye
Okay, This Totally Trumps Seth RogenBy Daniel Maurer
Contact Now:Talk to Jeff Reid by calling (917) 657-7358.
You can make a donation directly to the artist especially if you're in or around NYC. Appreciated gifts include: gas cards, food cards, cash, electronic deposits below, or gift cards to art supply stores. Thanks for your support! – Jeff Reid |
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Site Development by luxtone.com / Jim Colao: Designer